Twelve Poems of Emily Dickinson (Copland)Los Alamos Arts Council “Brown Bag Series,” Los Alamos, NM
Twelve Poems of Emily Dickinson (Copland)Governor's Chamber Music Series, Olympia, WA
Along the Field (Vaughan Williams)Faculty Artists Series, Crane School of Music, Potsdam NY
The Fall of Freddie the Leaf and Hotel Eden (Mallicone), Hidden Valley Opera, debut concert, Performances sponsored by Opera America, Carmel, CA
Let the Bright Seraphim (Handel), Crane School of Music, Potsdam, NY
Liebeslieder Walzer (Brahms), St. Lawrence University, Canton, NY
Lecture Recital, Spivakof Festival, Moscow Russia
Lecture Recital, Richter Museum, Moscow, Russia
Lecture Recital, Library of Arts, Moscow, Russia
Lecture Recital, Santa Fe Community College, Santa Fe, NM
Lecture Recital, New Mexico School of Music, Albuquerque, NM
Lecture Recital, New Mexico Highlands University, Las Vegas, NM
Solo Recital, Ithaca College, Ithaca, NY
Solo Recital, St. Lawrence County Historical Society, Canton, NY
Solo Recital, Crane School of Music, Potsdam, NY
Solo Recital, Carter Creek Concerts, Bryan, TX
Solo Recital, Noontime Concert Series, San Francisco
Solo Recital, Pleiades Theatre, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Solo Recital, St. Lawrence University, Festival of the Arts, Canton, NY
Solo Recital, Gretchen Bence Artist Series, St. Law. Univ., Canton, NY
Solo Recital, SUNY Albany, Albany, NY
Solo Recital, Mt. Washington Hotel & Resort, Bretton Woods, NH
Solo Recital, Henry and Emory College, Emory, VA
Solo Doctoral Recital, All Souls Unitarian Church, New York City
In Recital, Ithaca College, Ithaca, NY
In Recital, Mozarteum, Salzburg
In Recital, Hidden Valley Opera Benefit, Carmel, CA
In Recital, Governor's Mansion, Olympia, WA
Benefit Recital, Carmel Bach Festival, Carmel, CA
In Recital, An Evening of Songs from the Broadway Stage, Greenville, NC
Solo Recital, An Evening of Music Theater Scenes and American Art Songs, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC
In Recital, New Music Festival, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC
In Concert, Faculty Concert Series, University of N. Carolina at Pembroke
In Recital, Korean Presbyterian Church, Fayetteville, NC
In Concert, New Mexico School for the Arts, Music Department, Santa Fe, NM
Benefit Recital, New Mexico School for the Arts, Scottish Rite Temple, Santa Fe, NM
Faculty Recital, New Mexico School for the Arts, Santa Fe, NM